Moscow, Usacheva street, 33/4

Moscow, Lobachevskogo street, 20

Apple and Facebook to pay eggs freezing to their employees

Apple and Facebook to pay eggs freezing to their employees

When looking for a job, applicants pay their attention to many things as well as to a social package an employer offers. Facebook and Apple offer their female employees to cover their expenses on eggs cryoconservation up to $20.000. Representatives of the companies say that this can help their employees make a choice between having a baby and making a career in fertile age. However, some of them think that the main goal of this offer is to prevent key personal from going on maternity leave.

Moreover, it should be noted that these companies takes care of these employees who are only planning to have a baby (Apple is ready to reimburse expenses for IVF up to $15.000) and of those who have just had a baby (Facebook pays the lump-sum payment of $4.000 to mothers).

Why is necessary to have eggs cryoconserved? The procedure helps collect many eggs of good quality and then use them in an IVF cycle. As it’s known, ovarian reserve is reduced in women over the age of 35 and the quality of eggs deteriorates. Therefore, eggs freezing is an opportunity to have a baby in a more mature age.

Eggs vitrification costs around $10.000 on average in the USA. Genetic material storage is not included in this price and costs around $4.000 per year.

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