Moscow, Usacheva street, 33/4

Moscow, Lobachevskogo street, 20

IVF programs


What is included in the IVF program?

IVF program is a combination of therapeutic measures aimed to overcome infertility. Various procedures are combined into a single complex for the convenience of the patient, so that he can get a clear idea of ​​all the medical services that will be provided, and have the opportunity to clarify its full cost in advance.

The standard program includes such stages as ovulation induction, follicle puncture, fertilization of the patient’s oocytes with husband’s or donor’s sperm, cultivation of the obtained embryos and transfer of 1-2 of them into the uterine cavity, as well as a blood test to determine the level of hCG.

In addition to the classic IVF program, Nova Clinic carries out other programs (for example, with donor genetic material or IVF in natural cycle). The choice depends on a number of factors and is carried out by the attending gynecologist-fertility specialist based on the assessment of the results of a thorough examination taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient.

In most cases, the program does not include drugs that can be prescribed at certain stages of treatment.

If the services included in the program were not provided (for example, because it was decided to refuse one of the stages), the money is returned to the patient.

Facts about IVF
The average duration of stimulation is
8-11 days
The average duration of the protocol
17-19 days
Mature ovum in a cycle
of 75-90%
Fertilization rate after IVF
more than 75%

Natural Cycle IVF

Most of IVF programs include ovulation stimulation with hormonal drugs, the goal of which is to obtain several eggs at once. Natural cycle IVF does not include this stage.

As part of the program, specialists monitor the growth of a dominant follicle that develops in the normal ovulatory cycle. The oocyte resulting from a puncture is fertilized in vitro with the sperm of a husband or a donor, cultivated for several days in a multi-gas incubator, and then transferred to the uterine cavity of a woman.

In the majority of cases, only one egg matures in the ovaries. More rarely, doctors manage to get 2 oocytes. As a result, the efficiency of such program is lower than IVF in a stimulated cycle.

If it was not possible to get an egg, it did not fertilize, or the embryo could not be transferred to the uterus, money for those stages that were not carried out is returned to the patient.

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IVF with stimulation (standard program)

The classic IVF program is carried out with preliminary stimulation of ovulation, aimed to mature several oocytes in the ovaries at once. The stimulation scheme is developed individually by a gynecologist-fertility specialist.

Doctors monitor the response of the ovaries to the use of hormonal drugs and monitor the patient's condition. At a certain stage, an ovulation trigger is injected, and after 34-36 hours , follicle puncture is performed.

Oocytes and sperm are specially processed and placed in a Petri dish, where fertilization takes place.

The obtained embryos are grown in incubators for 3-5 days, after which they are transferred to the uterine cavity.

The post-transfer phase involves the administration of progesterone preparations necessary to increase the chances of successful implantation.

14 days after the transfer, a blood test for hCG is carried out.

IVF programs using cryopreserved embryos – cryoprotocol

If good quality embryos remain after IVF, they can be frozen and subsequently used in another program.
Thawed embryos are transferred either in the natural cycle or against the background of HRT (hormone replacement therapy) aimed to prepare the endometrium.
Thawed embryos are transferred to the uterine cavity, after which the patient is prescribed progesterone preparations.


Donor programs using donor oocytes

IVF with donor eggs is recommended for women who do not have their own sex gametes or if they are not suitable for fertilization.

The program can use both previously cryopreserved genetic material and fresh oocytes. In the latter case, synchronization of menstrual cycles of the recipient and the donor is required.

As a rule, IVF with donor eggs is performed if the patient is at a late reproductive age or has a high risk of transmitting a hereditary pathology to the child.

Donor sperm program

IVF with donor sperm is performed if a severe male factor of infertility is diagnosed, the patient has sexual ejaculatory disorders or there is a high risk of transmitting genetic diseases to the child.

In addition, the indication for such program is the absence of sexual partner, the sperm of which can be used for in vitro fertilization.


IVF with donor embryos

This program is relevant if neither patient’s sperm nor patient’s oocytes can be used for fertilization.

Indications are a high risk of having a baby with a hereditary pathology; absence or low quality of gametes of both future parents (or oocytes for a single woman); several IVF failures due to the low quality of the obtained embryos.

IVF with a surrogate mother

Surrogacy is a complex procedure that includes both medical and legal aspects. IVF with a surrogate mother is one of the stages of this procedure.

As part of the program, doctors synchronize the menstrual cycles of the patient and the surrogate mother.

Then a standard IVF program is implemented, which includes stimulation of ovulation, oocyte puncture and fertilization of the patient's eggs with the sperm of her husband or a donor.

The obtained embryos are cultivated and then transferred to the uterine cavity of the surrogate mother.

The cost of IVF programs

The cost of IVF programs varies depending on the medical services that each of them includes.

Suppose a cryoprotocol does not imply stimulation of ovulation and oocyte puncture, and therefore its cost will be lower than a standard program for in vitro fertilization. IVF with donor genetic material, in contrast, will cost more than the classic program.

IVF Facts

Stimulation of ovulation does not reduce eggs supply in the ovaries: those follicles grow , which would die in the natural cycle.

IVF does not cause cancer. Before IVF, all patients undergo a thorough examination and if they suspect cancer, they do not undergo the program.

Children born as a result of IVF do not differ from children conceived in a natural way.

IVF – does not mean multiple pregnancy, since with IVF currently 1 embryo is transferred.

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: 12.11.2020

: 02.11.2023


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Licensing authority: Federal Service for Surveillance
in Healthcare, valid indefinitely

IVF programs

What is included in the IVF program? IVF program is a combination of therapeutic measures aimed to overcome infertility. Various procedures are combined into a single complex for the convenience of the patient, so that he can get a clear idea of ​​all the medical services that will be provided, and have the opportunity to clarify its full cost in advance. The standard program includes such stages as ovulation induction, follicle puncture, fertilization of the patient’s oocytes with husband’s or donor’s sperm, cultivation of the obtained embryos and transfer of 1-2 of them into the uterine cavity, as well as a blood test to determine the level of hCG. In addition to the classic IVF program, Nova Clinic carries out other programs (for example, with donor genetic material or IVF in natural cycle). The choice depends on a number of factors and is carried out by the attending gynecologist-fertility specialist based on the assessment of the results of a thorough examination taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient. In most cases, the program does not include drugs that can be prescribed at certain stages of treatment. If the services included in the program were not provided (for example, because it was decided to refuse one of the stages), the money is returned to the patient. ##$universal_facts_block? &TITLE=`Facts about IVF` &IMAGE=`/local/templates/nova_2020/images/icons/univ_facts.svg` &FACTS_LIST=` The average duration of stimulation is || 8-11 days ||| The average duration of the protocol || 17-19 days ||| Mature ovum in a cycle || of 75-90% ||| Fertilization rate after IVF || more than 75% `## Natural Cycle IVF Most of IVF programs include ovulation stimulation with hormonal drugs, the goal of which is to obtain several eggs at once. Natural cycle IVF does not include this stage. As part of the program, specialists monitor the growth of a dominant follicle that develops in the normal ovulatory cycle. The oocyte resulting from a puncture is fertilized in vitro with the sperm of a husband or a donor, cultivated for several days in a multi-gas incubator, and then transferred to the uterine cavity of a woman. In the majority of cases, only one egg matures in the ovaries. More rarely, doctors manage to get 2 oocytes. As a result, the efficiency of such program is lower than IVF in a stimulated cycle. If it was not possible to get an egg, it did not fertilize, or the embryo could not be transferred to the uterus, money for those stages that were not carried out is returned to the patient. ##$universal_information_block? &IMAGE =`/local/templates/nova_2020/images/icons/univ_calendar.svg` &TEXT=`Would you like to make an appointment?` &BTN_TEXT=`Order a call` &BTN_LINK=`record_appointment` &BTN_FANCYBOX=`data-fancybox`## IVF with stimulation (standard program) The classic IVF program is carried out with preliminary stimulation of ovulation, aimed to mature several oocytes in the ovaries at once. The stimulation scheme is developed individually by a gynecologist-fertility specialist. Doctors monitor the response of the ovaries to the use of hormonal drugs and monitor the patient's condition. At a certain stage, an ovulation trigger is injected, and after 34-36 hours , follicle puncture is performed. Oocytes and sperm are specially processed and placed in a Petri dish, where fertilization takes place. The obtained embryos are grown in incubators for 3-5 days, after which they are transferred to the uterine cavity. The post-transfer phase involves the administration of progesterone preparations necessary to increase the chances of successful implantation. 14 days after the transfer, a blood test for hCG is carried out. IVF programs using cryopreserved embryos – cryoprotocol If good quality embryos remain after IVF, they can be frozen and subsequently used in another program. Thawed embryos are transferred either in the natural cycle or against the background of HRT (hormone replacement therapy) aimed to prepare the endometrium. Thawed embryos are transferred to the uterine cavity, after which the patient is prescribed progesterone preparations. Donor programs using donor oocytes IVF with donor eggs is recommended for women who do not have their own sex gametes or if they are not suitable for fertilization. The program can use both previously cryopreserved genetic material and fresh oocytes. In the latter case, synchronization of menstrual cycles of the recipient and the donor is required. As a rule, IVF with donor eggs is performed if the patient is at a late reproductive age or has a high risk of transmitting a hereditary pathology to the child. Donor sperm program IVF with donor sperm is performed if a severe male factor of infertility is diagnosed, the patient has sexual ejaculatory disorders or there is a high risk of transmitting genetic diseases to the child. In addition, the indication for such program is the absence of sexual partner, the sperm of which can be used for in vitro fertilization. IVF with donor embryos This program is relevant if neither patient’s sperm nor patient’s oocytes can be used for fertilization. Indications are a high risk of having a baby with a hereditary pathology; absence or low quality of gametes of both future parents (or oocytes for a single woman); several IVF failures due to the low quality of the obtained embryos. IVF with a surrogate mother Surrogacy is a complex procedure that includes both medical and legal aspects. IVF with a surrogate mother is one of the stages of this procedure. As part of the program, doctors synchronize the menstrual cycles of the patient and the surrogate mother. Then a standard IVF program is implemented, which includes stimulation of ovulation, oocyte puncture and fertilization of the patient's eggs with the sperm of her husband or a donor. The obtained embryos are cultivated and then transferred to the uterine cavity of the surrogate mother. The cost of IVF programs The cost of IVF programs varies depending on the medical services that each of them includes. Suppose a cryoprotocol does not imply stimulation of ovulation and oocyte puncture, and therefore its cost will be lower than a standard program for in vitro fertilization. IVF with donor genetic material, in contrast, will cost more than the classic program. IVF Facts Stimulation of ovulation does not reduce eggs supply in the ovaries: those follicles grow , which would die in the natural cycle. IVF does not cause cancer. Before IVF, all patients undergo a thorough examination and if they suspect cancer, they do not undergo the program. Children born as a result of IVF do not differ from children conceived in a natural way. IVF – does not mean multiple pregnancy, since with IVF currently 1 embryo is transferred. ##$universal_information_block? &IMAGE =`/local/templates/nova_2020/images/icons/univ_calendar.svg` &TEXT=`Would you like to make an appointment?` &BTN_TEXT=`Order a call` &BTN_LINK=`record_appointment` &BTN_FANCYBOX=`data-fancybox`##


Нова Клиник
Лобачевского д.20, Москва, Россия
+7 (495) 132-02-79,