Moscow, Usacheva street, 33/4

Moscow, Lobachevskogo street, 20

Prenatal care


Individual comprehensive prenatal care at the center of reproduction and genetics Nova Clinic is a special arrangement elaborated for observing over the health state of intended mothers running a high risk of pathologies and complications during their pregnancy.

This arrangement is recommended to women who:

  • get pregnant with the help of Assisted Reproduction Techniques,
  • have a complicated pregnancy (plural pregnancy, extragenital pathologies, Rh incompatibility, mature age),
  • want to be observed by doctors in a specialized medical center.

Prenatal care offered by Nova Clinic is a thorough observation over a mother and her baby’s health state to forestall spontaneous abortion and malformations development.

Our gynecologists and obstetricians are well-experienced in surveying a complicated pregnancy and can find a special approach to every case. We perform diagnosing with the help of the most modern equipment certified in compliance with the Russian standards. We take full responsibility for the validity of diagnoses and examinations we perform.

One of the important issues is the right choice of a maternity clinic where an intended mother delivers her baby.

It is worth mentioning that a pregnancy achieved with IVF (ICSI, Artificial insemination) doesn’t differ from that achieved in a natural way. However, there are several points to take into account:

  • Complications can be the consequences of the dysfunctions that caused infertility. Taking it into account, our gynecologist-obstetricians thoroughly study their patients’ medical history and medical records and discuss their cases with the patients’ attending doctors;
  • Infertility treatment with Assisted Reproduction Techniques increases the risk of multiple pregnancies. A plural pregnancy is considered to be complicated by some fertility specialists, as a woman’s organism gets excess stress. What are the consequences? If a woman is pregnant with twins or triplets, it increases the risk of spontaneous abortion or preterm labor. Moreover, the risk of such pathologies as gestational diabetes, mazolysis, and preeclampsia is also high;
  • Most of the women, who achieved their pregnancy with the help of IVF, are of a mature age that is fraught with a high risk of spontaneous abortion, preterm labor, and complications even if the pregnancy is monofetal.

Our prenatal care arrangement includes

1. Primary examination

  • Blood group and Rh test (for both spouses),
  • Biochemical blood test (total cholesterol, total bilirubin, total albumin, glucose, urea, iron, creatinine, calcium),
  • Infections blood test (HIV, syphilis, hepatites В and С),
  • TORCH-test (toxoplasmosis, cytomegalovirus, rubella, herpes),
  • Smears,
  • PCR test (urogenital infections: mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis, chlamydiosis, gonorrhea, cytomegalovirus, papilloma)

2. Full-term prenatal care

Would you like to make an appointment?

: 12.11.2020

: 02.11.2023


The electronic license is presented on the Roszdravnadzor website
Licensing authority: Federal Service for Surveillance
in Healthcare, valid indefinitely

Prenatal care

Individual comprehensive prenatal care at the center of reproduction and genetics Nova Clinic is a special arrangement elaborated for observing over the health state of intended mothers running a high risk of pathologies and complications during their pregnancy. This arrangement is recommended to women who: get pregnant with the help of Assisted Reproduction Techniques, have a complicated pregnancy (plural pregnancy, extragenital pathologies, Rh incompatibility, mature age), want to be observed by doctors in a specialized medical center. Prenatal care offered by Nova Clinic is a thorough observation over a mother and her baby’s health state to forestall spontaneous abortion and malformations development. Our gynecologists and obstetricians are well-experienced in surveying a complicated pregnancy and can find a special approach to every case. We perform diagnosing with the help of the most modern equipment certified in compliance with the Russian standards. We take full responsibility for the validity of diagnoses and examinations we perform. One of the important issues is the right choice of a maternity clinic where an intended mother delivers her baby. It is worth mentioning that a pregnancy achieved with IVF (ICSI, Artificial insemination) doesn’t differ from that achieved in a natural way. However, there are several points to take into account: Complications can be the consequences of the dysfunctions that caused infertility. Taking it into account, our gynecologist-obstetricians thoroughly study their patients’ medical history and medical records and discuss their cases with the patients’ attending doctors; Infertility treatment with Assisted Reproduction Techniques increases the risk of multiple pregnancies. A plural pregnancy is considered to be complicated by some fertility specialists, as a woman’s organism gets excess stress. What are the consequences? If a woman is pregnant with twins or triplets, it increases the risk of spontaneous abortion or preterm labor. Moreover, the risk of such pathologies as gestational diabetes, mazolysis, and preeclampsia is also high; Most of the women, who achieved their pregnancy with the help of IVF, are of a mature age that is fraught with a high risk of spontaneous abortion, preterm labor, and complications even if the pregnancy is monofetal. Our prenatal care arrangement includes 1. Primary examination Blood group and Rh test (for both spouses), Biochemical blood test (total cholesterol, total bilirubin, total albumin, glucose, urea, iron, creatinine, calcium), Infections blood test (HIV, syphilis, hepatites В and С), TORCH-test (toxoplasmosis, cytomegalovirus, rubella, herpes), Smears, PCR test (urogenital infections: mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis, chlamydiosis, gonorrhea, cytomegalovirus, papilloma) 2. Full-term prenatal care ##$universal_information_block? &IMAGE =`/local/templates/nova_2020/images/icons/univ_calendar.svg` &TEXT=`Would you like to make an appointment?` &BTN_TEXT=`Order a call` &BTN_LINK=`record_appointment` &BTN_FANCYBOX=`data-fancybox`##


Нова Клиник
Лобачевского д.20, Москва, Россия
+7 (495) 132-02-79,