Surgicalgynecology is one of the areas of general surgery and is widely used for the diagnosis and treatment of a number of diseases of the female reproductive system. Such methods as laparoscopy and hysteroscopy are successfully used at the IVF preparation stage to increase the effectiveness of ART programs, as well as prevent the development of complications during pregnancy.
Surgical treatment in gynecology is carried out according to medical indications after a thorough examination of the patient.
Operative methods of treatment in gynecology are used to treat patients who have fibroids, polyps or prolapse of the uterus, cystic formations or ovarian tumors, obstruction of the fallopian tubes, endometriosis, isthmic-cervical insufficiency, ectopic pregnancy and other pathologies.
Less invasive surgical methods in gynecology have a number of advantages over abdominal operations: minimal trauma, short recovery period and high treatment efficiency.
Our advantages
We do not prescribe tests, examinations and operations without an urgent need
We use only modern methods of treatment with proven effectiveness
We use the best equipment of the last generation
The Department of surgical gynecology of “Nova Clinic” in Moscow performs various types of surgeries, including:
- Office hysteroscopy (without anesthesia) – such an operation in gynecology can be indicated for examining the uterine cavity, removing polyps up to 10 mm in size and dissecting single synechiae. Hysteroscopy with anesthesia also can be performed;
- Hysteroresectoscopy – a surgical intervention in gynecology, during which the doctor can remove the nodes of the submucous uterine myoma, separate the adhesions, remove the septum of the uterine cavity, and resected the uterine mucosa;
- Laparoscopic operations of various complexity degree. Such surgical interventions in gynecology as tubectomy (removal of the fallopian tube), adnexectomy (removal of the tube and ovary), myomectomy (removal of myomatous nodes), removal of ovarian cystic formations, foci of endometriosis and endometrioid cysts, adhesiolysis (dissection of adhesions) are widespread and effective.
The Center for Surgical Gynecology of "Nova Clinic" has the most modern medical equipment and a staff of highly qualified specialists with great practical experience in this area. We pay strict attention not only to the technical equipment and qualifications of doctors, but also to the comfort of patients. Our department of surgical gynecology has comfortable recoveries that meet international standards, allowing you to recover as quickly as possible after the surgery.
Surgical gynecology, as we have already mentioned, can involve the use of a variety of methods, the cost of which can vary significantly. You can find more information about the prices for surgical treatment in gynecology on our website.
Surgical gynecology
Surgicalgynecology is one of the areas of general surgery and is widely used for the diagnosis and treatment of a number of diseases of the female reproductive system. Such methods as laparoscopy and hysteroscopy are successfully used at the IVF preparation stage to increase the effectiveness of ART programs, as well as prevent the development of complications during pregnancy.
Surgical treatment in gynecology is carried out according to medical indications after a thorough examination of the patient.
Operative methods of treatment in gynecology are used to treat patients who have fibroids, polyps or prolapse of the uterus, cystic formations or ovarian tumors, obstruction of the fallopian tubes, endometriosis, isthmic-cervical insufficiency, ectopic pregnancy and other pathologies.
Less invasive surgical methods in gynecology have a number of advantages over abdominal operations: minimal trauma, short recovery period and high treatment efficiency.
##$universal_information_block? &IMAGE =`/local/templates/nova_2020/images/icons/univ_calendar.svg` &TEXT=`Would you like to make an appointment?` &BTN_TEXT=`Order a call` &BTN_LINK=`record_appointment` &BTN_FANCYBOX=`data-fancybox`##
Our advantages
##$universal_advantages_block? &ADVANTAGES_LIST=` /local/templates/nova_2020/images/advantages_icons/1.svg || We do not prescribe tests, examinations and operations without an urgent need ||| /local/templates/nova_2020/images/advantages_icons/2.svg || We use only modern methods of treatment with proven effectiveness ||| /local/templates/nova_2020/images/advantages_icons/4.svg || We use the best equipment of the last generation`##
The Department of surgical gynecology of “Nova Clinic” in Moscow performs various types of surgeries, including:
Office hysteroscopy (without anesthesia) – such an operation in gynecology can be indicated for examining the uterine cavity, removing polyps up to 10 mm in size and dissecting single synechiae. Hysteroscopy with anesthesia also can be performed;
Hysteroresectoscopy – a surgical intervention in gynecology, during which the doctor can remove the nodes of the submucous uterine myoma, separate the adhesions, remove the septum of the uterine cavity, and resected the uterine mucosa;
Laparoscopic operations of various complexity degree. Such surgical interventions in gynecology as tubectomy (removal of the fallopian tube), adnexectomy (removal of the tube and ovary), myomectomy (removal of myomatous nodes), removal of ovarian cystic formations, foci of endometriosis and endometrioid cysts, adhesiolysis (dissection of adhesions) are widespread and effective.
The Center for Surgical Gynecology of "Nova Clinic" has the most modern medical equipment and a staff of highly qualified specialists with great practical experience in this area. We pay strict attention not only to the technical equipment and qualifications of doctors, but also to the comfort of patients. Our department of surgical gynecology has comfortable recoveries that meet international standards, allowing you to recover as quickly as possible after the surgery.
Surgical gynecology, as we have already mentioned, can involve the use of a variety of methods, the cost of which can vary significantly. You can find more information about the prices for surgical treatment in gynecology on our website.