It is well known that at late reproductive age not only the ovarian reserve of oocytes reduces, but also the quality of eggs worsens. Many patients of IVF clinics, who are planning childbirth after 40 years, have complications to achieve pregnancy, which are provoked by this factor. In some cases, doctors recommend performing donor programs, as only with the use of donor oocytes there is a chance for a successful conception. Recently, however, experts have found a way to "rejuvenate" female generative cells. The oocyte requires energy for active development. And mitochondrion is a real power station of the cell. The method involves an injection of mitochondrion, extracted from so-called EggPC cells, which are patient’s own cells, extracted from the ovarian membrane of ovary, into cytoplasm of the oocyte. As a result of the use of this technique, which is called Augment, increases the possibility of successful fertilization by many times.
Nowadays, the method already has been used successfully in some IVF clinics, which are located in Turkey, Belgium, the United Arab Emirates and Canada.